Wednesday, July 16, 2008



1) Ball boy at tennis match - keeps staring at woman in small shorts, starts to bend over, he looks forward and gets hit with tennis ball.

2) Waiting at a restaurant, peeeeng girl walks in and he trips, and drops tray of food, falls face first into messy curry and girl steps over him, and helps him up. LA shots of heels and skinny jeans. reaction shot of him with curryface. he takes her hand, she smiles shyly. (in the part of the girl of the song "can't believe you got that girl") other guys staring through the window, looks on their face like "how?!?!?!"

3) Quitet shy guy, just stares at the breasts of the girl who comes up to talk to him due to his gormless stares. they start to talk to her and he stares at her boobs still, causing her to slapindaface.

4) walk past shop window, hot girl, double take, it's a butters girl.

5) face against glass

6)tranny. girl turns round. is man.

all intertwined with performance.

Song Choice
- Genre- soft poprock, yet not indie.
- Not too poppy, not too rocky. Strikes a happy medium.
- Appeals across the board. Teenage girls and boys who idolise specific band members
- Fits with idea of not getting girls and quite adaptable...we can add a personal, original edge
-amplification of lyrics
quite fast paced, encourages fast cuts to keep snappy.

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